Posts tagged Treatment Plan
A Stepwise Approach to Medications for Depression

Many people are not told what to expect when prescribed an antidepressant medication. Basic information, such as the dosing range, the goal of treatment, how side effects can be overcome and how long to stay on the medication, is frequently left out of a clinical encounter. This article outlines a methodical approach to antidepressant treatment for depression.

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How Record Keeping Can Help Treatment-Resistant Depression

Many people with longstanding depression believe that they have tried every treatment out there. A detailed review of their history often reveals that they are mistaken and that there are several strategies that they have never tried. This article addresses what information is needed to make a well-informed decision about what treatment to try next and how a history of past treatments combined with a strategic, methodical approach can open up options to newer and potentially more effective treatments.

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Depression Rating Scales – Getting Unstuck

Rating scales for depression are being used routinely in primary care, but not all psychiatrists and therapists are using them. The use of depression rating scales shines a bright spotlight on your current mood and the progress you are making toward full freedom from depression. This article addresses how rating scales can help get you unstuck in your depression treatment.

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A Plan for Stubborn Depression

When depression hits, it’s nice when the first treatment that you try works. On the other hand, depression that gets partially better only to worsen again is frustrating and demoralizing. Having a plan for treatment-resistant depression will get you better faster. This article outlines basic steps that are part of a larger plan for getting rid of your depression.

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