Posts tagged Good
How Does Yoga Help Depression?

There is growing evidence showing that yoga is beneficial for depression. Researchers are looking at biological mechanisms, but are there other factors involved? Yoga practices vary, which makes determining the mechanism of its benefit difficult. However, observing yoga from a holistic perspective, rather than only from a neurobiological standpoint, may lead to insights into how yoga helps depression.

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A Plan for Stubborn Depression

When depression hits, it’s nice when the first treatment that you try works. On the other hand, depression that gets partially better only to worsen again is frustrating and demoralizing. Having a plan for treatment-resistant depression will get you better faster. This article outlines basic steps that are part of a larger plan for getting rid of your depression.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – the Most Effective Therapy?

CBT is one of the most effective forms of psychotherapy demonstrated in research. It is a time-limited therapy that is focused on skills-building. This article outlines basic CBT principles, explains how it works and includes an example thought log. Read more to figure out if CBT is the right fit for you.

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Finding Quality Psychotherapy – Moving Beyond Talk Therapy

Finding a good therapist can be difficult and stressful. It's hard to know from online ratings who the best therapists are in your community. If you desire the best treatment, read this article to learn about the core elements of excellent psychotherapy and how to find a good therapist.

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Finding a Good Psychiatrist

Finding a good psychiatrist can be difficult and stressful. It's hard to know if online ratings are of any use or who can tell you who the good doctors are in your community. If you desire the best treatment, read this article on finding excellent psychiatric care and medication management as well as psychiatrist red flags to watch for.

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